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Prepaid or Cash on Delivery?

No need to choose one. Offer both prepaid & cash on delivery payment options.

Change Payment Mode Easily

Convert COD delivery to Prepaid delivery in just 3 quick steps:


Log in to your Shiprocket account & go to Settings>Shipment Features. Click on the COD to Prepaid button

Go to all orders and filter out your shipment.

Next, go to the Payment Column and click on the edit icon to switch your payment mode from Cash on Delivery to Prepaid.

Get Cash on Delivery Remittance in 2 Days

Improve your cash flow. Scale your business faster with early COD delivery remittance.

Why Offer Multiple Payment Modes?

More Conversions

Help your customers choose the right option at the right time


Less Abandoned Carts

No more losing buyers to your competitors


Better Customer Satisfaction

Make payments an easier task for your customers


Increased Credibility

Build trust by going an extra mile for your

Benefits of Offering Cash on Delivery

Convenient Transactions

No dependency on payment


No Frauds

No need to disclose financial information


Flexible Payments

Payment after delivery & easy returns

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) About Prepaid & Cash on Delivery

What is the difference between COD and prepaid payment?

OD refers to cash on delivery. In this mode of payment, customers pay for the order with cash upon receiving the delivery. Prepaid payment refers to paying for the order before it ships. Prepaid payment is an online payment method while cash on delivery is offline payment.


Can I accept COD and prepaid payment for my orders?

Yes. With Shiprofast, you can accept COD and prepaid payments for your orders. Get Started


Can I change the payment mode for my orders?

Yes. All you need to do is go to → Settings → Shipment Features → Click on the COD to Prepaid button. Next, Go to all orders, filter out your shipments and change the payment mode.Activate Early COD


What are the benefits of cash on delivery?

Cash on delivery helps you with convenient currency transactions without having to depend on cards, apps, etc. Also, it gives your customers trust as they don’t need to share any financial information, and payment is done after the delivery.


Are multiple modes of payments useful or confusing for customers?

Multiple payment modes can help open up options for customers. Many urban customers prefer online payment as compared to COD as they are usually not available to receive packages. Meanwhile, tier-2 and tier-3 cities prefer COD as they are still building trust with eCommerce. Both are important options.

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